We have tested your insurer to see if they cover you for CoronaVirus
3 most important questions and more. Here are a few questions our clients have:
- as a new virus, experimental treatments (as there are no known treatment as of today) will be used. does my insurer pay?
- if I am in Quarantine in a government designated hospital for observation 15-day without treatment (quarantine), do the insurer pay?
- does the insurer cover for all costs for evacuation and treatment for CoronaVirus? if I don’t want to stay in the local hospital CN or VN can I chose?
- Due to the corona virus outbreak, everything is crazy atm.
As per prime minister announcement, foreigners will need to pay for their treatment. I am just wondering if the insurance covers n-cov virus treatment.
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Allianz AWC
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Bupa international health and travel
Bupa international health and travel
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Do Coronavirus related claims fall under medical policy exclusions (epidemics/pandemics clause)?
Is Coronavirus related testing (e.g., blood test) covered in our medical policies?
Will our medical policy cover an employee who is not showing Coronavirus symptoms to undergo Coronavirus screening?
For exclusion of infections except pyogenic infections, tetanus, or rabies from a wound or cut suffered as a result of an accident is under Specific Exclusions for Loss of Life, Dismemberment, Loss of Sight or Permanent Disability caused by accident. (Page19: point 1.3)
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases hence we are consider as acute disease.
According to our policy are not provided epidemic disease in General exclusions. (page 12)
Yes, if the symptoms occurred after client have joined as an insured member and under policy terms and conditions. ( If it’s not pre-existing conditions and client have OPD / IPD Benefit coverage)
We will consider based on medical report under policy terms and conditions.
Medical Necessary : refer to medical treatment which meet the following conditions.
– In accordance with the diagnosis, and treatment for such illness or injury: and
-In accordance with medical indication of modern medicine; and
-Not primarily for the convenience of the patient or his/her family, physician; and
-In accordance with generally accepted standard to cate for the patients, and considered appropriate for the treating patient’s illness or injury.
Q: For example does the insurer pay for quarantine 15-days in designated hospitals in Saigon and in Asia in general? Can insured members choose to go to vinmec or FV hospital in order not to be infected by all other contaminated patients in case things get worse?
A: It’s up to client’s choice, but if it’s mandatory from the Minister of Health so we need to follow to be safe.
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Bupa international health and travel
Morgane Price
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Do Coronavirus related claims fall under medical policy exclusions (epidemics/pandemics clause)?
Is Coronavirus related testing (e.g., blood test) covered in our medical policies?
Will our medical policy cover an employee who is not showing Coronavirus symptoms to undergo Coronavirus screening?
For exclusion of infections except pyogenic infections, tetanus, or rabies from a wound or cut suffered as a result of an accident is under Specific Exclusions for Loss of Life, Dismemberment, Loss of Sight or Permanent Disability caused by accident. (Page19: point 1.3)
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases hence we are consider as acute disease.
According to our policy are not provided epidemic disease in General exclusions. (page 12)
Yes, if the symptoms occurred after client have joined as an insured member and under policy terms and conditions. ( If it’s not pre-existing conditions and client have OPD / IPD Benefit coverage)
We will consider based on medical report under policy terms and conditions.
Medical Necessary : refer to medical treatment which meet the following conditions.
– In accordance with the diagnosis, and treatment for such illness or injury: and
-In accordance with medical indication of modern medicine; and
-Not primarily for the convenience of the patient or his/her family, physician; and
-In accordance with generally accepted standard to cate for the patients, and considered appropriate for the treating patient’s illness or injury.
Q: For example does the insurer pay for quarantine 15-days in designated hospitals in Saigon and in Asia in general? Can insured members choose to go to vinmec or FV hospital in order not to be infected by all other contaminated patients in case things get worse?
A: It’s up to client’s choice, but if it’s mandatory from the Minister of Health so we need to follow to be safe.
LIBERTY Coronavirus
Như đã biết, ngày 31/01/2020, Tổ Chức Y Tế Thế Giới (WHO) đã tuyên bố tình trạng bùng phát chủng Virus Corona từ Trung Quốc là “Tình Trạng Y Tế Khẩn Cấp Toàn Cầu”. Và ngày 01/02/2020, Thủ Tướng Chính Phủ Nguyễn Xuân Phúc đã có quyết định số 173/QĐ-TTg ký về việc công bố dịch viêm đường hô hấp cấp do chủng Virus Corona gây ra là “Bệnh truyền nhiễm Nhóm A, nguy cơ ở mức độ khẩn cấp Toàn cầu”.
Do đó, căn cứ theo từng quy định trong Quy Tắc bảo hiểm, Hợp đồng bảo hiểm/Sửa đổi bổ sung, điều khoản điều kiện đối với từng khách hàng, Công ty TNHH Bảo Hiểm Liberty sẽ có trách nhiệm bảo hiểm khi Người được bảo hiểm bị nhiễm virus Corona (2019-nCoV) được bảo hiểm theo Hợp đồng bảo hiểm HealthCare và MediCare.
As you might know, on January 31st, 2020, The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”. And on February 1st, 2020, The Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has signed Decision No. 173 / QD-TTg to announce the Acute Respiratory Infection caused by Coronavirus as a “Infectious Disease Group A, Global Emergency Risk ”.
Therefore, accordance to the terms and conditions of Liberty Policy Wording, the Policy Schedule/Endorsement, terms and conditions to each customer, Liberty Insurance Limited will be responsible for the insurance coverage to the Insured Person covering under HealthCare and MediCare products when the Insured Person gets infected with Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
Căn cứ theo từng quy định trong Quy Tắc bảo hiểm, Hợp đồng bảo hiểm/Sửa đổi bổ sung, điều khoản điều kiện đối với từng khách hàng, Công ty TNHH Bảo Hiểm Liberty sẽ có trách nhiệm bảo hiểm khi Người được bảo hiểm bị nhiễm Coronavirus (Covid-19) được bảo hiểm theo Hợp đồng bảo hiểm TravelCare.
Đối với Sản phẩm Tai nạn cá nhân (Personal Acccident) và Workmen Compensation, Công ty TNHH Bảo Hiểm Liberty sẽ không có trách nhiệm bảo hiểm khi Người được bảo hiểm bị nhiễm Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Accordance to the terms and conditions of Liberty Policy Wording, the Policy Schedule/Endorsement, terms and conditions to each customer, Liberty Insurance Limited will be responsible for the insurance coverage to the Insured Person covering under Travel Care products when the Insured Person gets infected with Coronavirus (Covid-19).
For Personal Accident and Worker Compensation products, Liberty Insurance Limited will not be responsible for the insurance coverage when the Insured Person gets infected with Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Do Coronavirus related claims fall under medical policy exclusions (epidemics/pandemics clause)?
Is Coronavirus related testing (e.g., blood test) covered in our medical policies?
Will our medical policy cover an employee who is not showing Coronavirus symptoms to undergo Coronavirus screening?
For exclusion of infections except pyogenic infections, tetanus, or rabies from a wound or cut suffered as a result of an accident is under Specific Exclusions for Loss of Life, Dismemberment, Loss of Sight or Permanent Disability caused by accident. (Page19: point 1.3)
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases hence we are consider as acute disease.
According to our policy are not provided epidemic disease in General exclusions. (page 12)
Yes, if the symptoms occurred after client have joined as an insured member and under policy terms and conditions. ( If it’s not pre-existing conditions and client have OPD / IPD Benefit coverage)